onMouseOut Callback

The onMouseOut( ) callback invokes the function registered against this event when the payer's mouse pointer moves away from the hosted field in the iFrame.


PaymentSession.onMouseOut([<HostedFieldsRole>], function(selector, role), [scope])


PaymentSession.onMouseOut(['card.number','card.securityCode'], function(selector, role) {
    //handle mouse out event


<HostedFieldsRole> Array COMPULSORY

An array of field roles for the hosted fields where the event occurred. Valid array of field roles: ['card.nameOnCard', 'card.number', 'card.expiryMonth', 'card.expiryYear', 'card.securityCode', 'giftCard.number', 'giftCard.pin', 'ach.bankAccountNumber', 'ach.bankAccountNumberConfirmation', 'ach.bankAccountHolder', 'ach.routingNumber', 'directDebitCanada.bankAccountNumberConfirmation', 'directDebitCanada.bankAccountHolder', 'directDebitCanada.bankAccountNumber', 'directDebitCanada.financialInstitutionNumber', 'directDebitCanada.transitNumber']

<callbackFunction> Function COMPULSORY

The callback function invoked with the selector and the role for the field whose proxy triggered the event.

  1. selector String COMPULSORY

    Identifier of the HTML element where the merchant moved mouse out of field (ex: "#card-number").

  2. role String COMPULSORY

    Valid array of field roles: ['number', 'nameOnCard', 'expiryMonth', 'expiryYear', 'securityCode', 'pin', 'bankAccountNumber', 'bankAccountNumberConfirmation', 'bankAccountHolder', 'routingNumber', 'financialInstitutionNumber', 'transitNumber']

scope String OPTIONAL

The optional named instance of a card payment data set within a session. See Multiple Hosted Sessions for more information.

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